

ducks and drakesvariant(s): or duck and drake function: noun date: 1583 : the pastime of skimming flat stones or shells along the surface of calm water— play ducks and drakes with or make ducks and drakes of : to use recklessly : squander lt;played ducks and drakes with his moneygt;


big dealの意味

〔米〕 大した事[人]; 取るに足らないもの. big deal! たいしたことだ; どうでもいいことだ. (it's) no big deal. 何ていうことない.?big


San Chang - Feng Shui Tour of the another world: festivals, paragraph 19 'glorious victory'

"this is a young master of the five people, apparently, ishihara, in fact quite right? us about them, he i do not recall the pottery you can eat so friendly to him, jiro, for that matter, why does not it? "car of the collapse is simple and honest, and oh! an honest man is a fool again a high iq is a ah! "cut! i was responsible for death?" i'm as mad as a curse: "you son of a melee please see these brought all of what he bitch? robbery, rape, murder arson and the burning shame of four small sharks oh !, "paul ishihara's not one shit two wolves, come to life to play this then, what of the original stone house? however, through this motion, only four years, as well as war, plunder of credit, to fight and finally fishing is great! i am looking for really beautiful too! "however, two ishihara, wolves, led by the guard, after all, may be ah? while we were seven princesses calculations we will stay as if the king is not to ignore



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